Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ugandan Birthday Party

In July was my counterpart (Peace Corps equivalent of a co-worker/partner) Josh's 27th birthday. He has always been amazing to me in and out of work and has become one of my most trusted and closest friends here in Uganda. I wanted to do something special for him so I decided to throw him a birthday party at the local pork Joint in town. Now this pork joint is his favorite place, but on top of that is an organic farm and the owner runs a NGO focusing on OVC's.

We had a blast and I learned a lot about how Ugandans celebrate birthdays. They have an amazing way of making the 'birthday baby' feel special: everyone has to make the 'birthday baby' laugh as well as say something nice/personal story they have with the 'birthday baby'.

The cutting of the cake is before dinner and is the main part of the birthday meal. We had two cakes - one I got for Joshua and the other he bought for himself. Good thing we bought two because with the turn out to the party two was just enough.

When presents are handed out they are danced in a one by one fashion to the 'birthday baby'. It is tradition here in Uganda for the present receiver to not open their gifts until they are home in private which I found completely different than how it happens in America. After all the tradition dinner was served - pork was a hit for the pork eaters then there was music, dancing and a good 'ol time.

Chris (one of the Youth Center Leaders and great friend) had to teach me his famous finger dance

My beautiful girls with their wonderful Mom Cathy (my other counterpart) having some cake and looking good in their party glasses

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