Snail Mail Contact
My Mailing Address in Kayunga:
Rebecca Elizabeth Workman
P.O. Box 18279
Kayunga, Uganda, East Africa
If snail-mail letters are what you would like to send then please remember the following:
1. Number and date your letters.
2. Write "Airmail" and "Par Avion" on the envelope.
3. The bigger the envelope the better.
If small items are what you would like to send then please remember the following:
1. Use a padded envelope to send things, so that it will be treated as a letter and will get to me quicker.
If a package is what you would like to send me then please remember the following:
1. If a package is coming my way (which always makes me happy and have something to look forward to) please send me a note with the tracking number and date it was sent. Typically it takes about a month to get a package here and with the tracking number I can monitor it throughout it's travels.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and time if you have sent me a letter or a package over my time here in Uganda. It makes my day and brings an uplifting feeling back to me. Love.
Other Ways To Contact Me
Skype: rebeccaeworkman
I always love hearing from you all!